Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Lisle 11400 Side Terminal Battery Cleaner Recent Reviews

Side battery terminals are not easy to clean with regular brushes. I've had luck with toothbrush size/shaped brushes with metal brushes but I usually end up getting those gunked up on other projects.Having a dedicated tools for a battery, for me, is helpful. It's not good for other things so I won't be reaching to use it on things I shouldn't.
- M. Heck

All I have to say about this product is to not buy it.The round brush side is woefully inadequate in my opinion and is already slightly distorted after one test use. It appears to be designed for a minimal amount of uses and not for the serious mechanic that makes a income using tools. The main problem is that the bristles are only on one ring around the outer edge of the bristle area and not completely filling the circle. I don't know if this was a design change since I am certain that the one my friend has is an earlier Lisle version & besides being red it has stainless bristles filling the entire circle. I can't tell 100% but am almost certain it is a Lisle not to mention the fact that I have never seen this particular design reproduced by anyone else in my years of wrenching.If you compare the brush with the stock ad photo you can clearly see the difference where the photo shows densely packed bristles compared to the current production version where the bristles are so sparse that you can see through to the other side if you hold the brush and look through sideways just right. The one my buddy had looks like it has been around for a long time and still looks like it will last for many years. The other side used to clean the terminal does not make sufficient contact in my experience and I found myself resorting to my toothbrush style stainless brush that I purchased at HF for under 50 cents. I don't know if my version was changed from the picture since my handle was blue and the one in the picture was red.Also I may possibly not verify the people where my tool was made but highly suspect this was produced off shore that may explain its redesigned short comings.This is the first time purchasing a Lisle tool that I absolutely don't like & I would have returned it except that I opened it to give it a try. I have so many of their tools that my roll-away's are like Lisle advertisements so I definitely don't have a hate for Lisle tools, just this particular product. The main reason I bought the tool in the first place was because the unique cleaning end opposite the brushes intrigued me and I've always sought after to try it but as I said earlier that didn't work so well for me either & I live with my tools in hand. For this price you may possibly purchase 16 HF stainless toothbrush style brushes. I am not a HF promoter but like most everyone else in the business use them to purchase shop consumables and inexpensive things like this to save on the cost of doing business so that is my reason for mentioning them all through this review in comparison.I love Lisle tools but will not be purchasing this one ever again & do not recommend it!Save your money and grab a handful of the 49 cent brushes instead.
- Handi-man

Much easier to clean feature terminals with this brush than the top terminal brush. Pays to have in cooperation type brushes.
- Robert W. Lewis "BB_Bob"

Great iron brush for cleaning point points of appeal of wires, primarily 8 gauge and up, terminals, contacts and battery posts. Compact sleek point that gets the job done. Urge it. The only wits why I gave it 4 stars, it's since the iron strands of the brush, gets easyly bent, but it can still work fine if you brush the oposite way, and it would still get the job done.
- Jay_Castro "Javier Castro Jim�nez"

The cleaner has a low-cost plastics handle. Its stainless brush is so short and thin. Not a good tool for side terminal clean!

this Battery Cleaner is just ideal for cleaning and maintaining your battery. Extremely easy to use and flush easier to clean upon completion of use.
- Michael Pichette

Lisle 11400 Side Terminal Battery Cleaner

Coil spring cutters polish the battery contact while stainless steel brushes clean the cable terminals.

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