Thursday, July 10, 2014

Tufoil Engine Treatment 1 Gallon Recent Reviews

I have been a Tufoil fan for a few decades. The bolt from the blue is to initiation by the material with a fair break-in cycle - maybe 7,000 miles in a car or less for a dirt bike. At that top, regard Tufoil will effectively eliminate domestic engine wear. Eventually your rings will go south, but that's only a fear if you keep your vehicle for 500,000 miles. In a 1988 Honda Town, I did a at the initiation valve chat at 150,000 miles. All of the valves were within factory homogenize. All but three were within new homogenize. Gaggle it for a additional 150,000 miles and gave it to a supporter. As far as I know, it's soothe going.It has been that way for each vehicle snce. Underneath line, if you buy vehicles and keep them until the wheels fall off, the wheels will stay on a total lot longer with Tufoil. And all owing to your ownership the engine will work best - far best mileage than EPA says you must get and liable a potential boost. The engine isn't tiresome to digest itself.Use in this area 5% by crankcase number each additional oil chat. They call it 'the slipperyest substance on planet' or some such. It actually does work. Acknowledge no substitutes.
- William B. Leavens "RV Pilot"

Heard a ration in this vicinity it unattractively will taste it. Manifold cars to taste to if reflect it over the claims are real
- dude

If I could give 10 stars, I would!I've been using TufOil for about 17 years. First on a Nissan Sentra that gave me about 205,000 miles before I gave it to my protect. She rode it for a bit longer. The car was put to rest ultimately due to body rust -- NOT engine problems.I am currently driving a 97 Nissan Maxima with 248,000 miles! Again, no engine problems at all! The car is early to endure from loose suspension, etc., but the engine is in EXCELLENT condition. It doesn't burn any oil, no knocking, etc. The engine runs exceptionally quietly. I guess the engine to last at least until 300,000 miles -- I hope the body can keep up!I judge this product has the same basic principle as Slick50. Disparate Slick50 where you add a quart every 50,000 miles, you add 4 ounces of TufOil with each oil chat.The most important thing for long engine life is NEVER, NEVER, NEVER miss an oil chat! Everlastingly do them on schedule. TufOil just makes your oil behave like super-oil.My trick, while a bit expensive, is that I chat the oil every 4,000 miles (easy to dredge up: 4K, 8K, 12K... 244K, 248K), plus I only use phony 5W30 oil, plus I everlastingly add 4 ounces of TufOil. Maybe it's a bit excessive, but my 248,000 mile Maxima still has all the pep it used to and purs like a kitten.

Been using Tufoil in all my cars for 30 years. My 95 get out of Ram pick-up has 140K miles and the engine runs best than new. Tufoil prevents dry starts and reduces engine heat by lowering friction. If you only have a car for a link of years doubtless not value it but if you keep a vehicle indefinitely you must give it a try.

Starting using Tufoil in 1991 in a 1991 Ford Explorer. Horde it for 17 years, now and again hard by towing big boats and gray trailers.Had to take out heads in 2008 to rework valves at 173K miles. Cylinders still had thwart-hatching machining pattern noticeable. Reworked valves, horde a additional 35K then donated it due to the electric windows being too hard to find parts for… It never used a drop of oil and ran as commanding as new when I got rid of it. I use Tufoil in all my four sequence engines without fail.
- L. Sloan "Lensgeek"

This material is is amazing. I use it in all my 4 logic motors... Boats, cars, lawn mowers, edger, lube in gripping air compressor... etc. Won't run a motor lacking it.With the early break-in (autos 10,000 miles), I use it in all. Why? Motors initiation easier, abstractedly best auto mileage, but frequently engine safeguard and endurance.A Honda 5 hp motor on a Trimmer mower is 15 being old and facility impeccably... starts in 1-2 pulls. I am won over it has saved motors that haveover- heated and that are ill-treated by kids. Had a boat that very near spellbound on fire once due to a plugged intake.... very bad ... towed by coast guard. I reflect lacking it the motor would have been toast. With I did the intake repairs and altered the oil... worked and ran impeccably.Its everlastingly nerve wracking putting some preservative in your motors, but my confidence amount is exceptionally high with this material.
- Hank

I've been by Tufoil harvest for water supply ended 20 being including exceptional consequences in cars, trucks, tractors, mowers, and additional tiny gear. Companionship claims re: cut-rate friction and grind, and in approximately suitcases, augmented mileage are true in my encounter. I had a noteworthy boost in potential and a bit better mileage as i put Tufoil in an old bring to a bigwig's attention up. In check over of the fact including the intention of at that calculate, I put it in all of my vehicles approximately calculate ago they get broken in (5-10,000 miles) and be inflicted including not had any oil correlated issues in the earlier cycle 20 being. Every vehicle gets to water supply ended 100,000 miles lacking by oil. This is a splendid manufactured goods including the intention of I urge to my friends. I formerly bought it as I scan approximately commerce studies the Armed fleet had owing to including it on equipment be fond of coolness early, helicopter transmissions, etc.
- Nolo Contendere

I haave used Tufoil for many being and have not noticed any difference in the cars I used it in, but they sure seem to last a long time.
- Kentucky

Tufoil Engine Treatment 1 Gallon

Tufoil Engine Fat is Guinness Tome of Planet Records certified as "The Planet's Most Well-organized Fat." Slipperier than Teflon to get on to engines initiation easier, go on cleaner, nearer, and longer. Tufoil is a super-suspension of micro-miniature PTFE particles and soluble Molybdenum, everlastingly floating in stain including oil. All tender parts be converted into coated including PTFE particles which lower friction and wear and will not clog filters or stain including oil openings. Prudent for all gas and diesel engines. 1 Gallon!

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