Monday, April 28, 2014

MG Chemicals 8463-7G Carbon Conductive Grease, 7g Syringe, Silver Latest Reviews

This review is for MG Chemicals Silver (ELECTRICALLY) Conductive Grease (catalog number 8463-7G). 7 gram syringe. This IS NOT the more common silver filled THERMALLY conductive excitement sink grease.The label states, "Provides maximum electrical and thermal conductivity between sliding surfaces even as providing protection from moisture and corrosion. Contains silver, dimethylpoly-siloxane (chemical name for silicone) and carbon black."This Silver filled (ELECTRICALLY) Conductive Grease worked wonders on approximately intermittent contacts on the battery holders for my old Heathkit MM-1 multi-meter. See the depiction I posted above. The batteries are used to power the resistance measurements so the meter reading was very sensitive to variations in contact resistance between the components mentioned. Alkaline batteries look to be harder to maintain a good contact to than the old style carbon-zinc batteries and throw in approximately corrosion on the beryllium copper contact fingers from battery leaks and the meter was practically a waste of time on the low resistance measuring scale. Before to I applied the grease I was getting bags of alteration on the meter as I was zeroing it and tying to use it. Most of the calculate I could not get sufficient current across the battery contacts to zero it.I abraded off the corrosion and oxidation from the beryllium copper contacts with a Scotch-Brite pad before to I applied the grease between them and the batteries. I also used the grease on the tin plated round lugs that the beryllium copper contacts are screwed to.The batteries on the meter now facility properly. Buying this grease was $25 well spent.
- Russell Dember

It solved the intermittent electrical engine use connection my car had due to a connector damaged by the dealer starting the last time they flashed the ECM in my car. Unfortunately it took 9 months for the damage to rear it's ugly head, which left no waterproof or road out with the car dealer & me with a car that would break down throwing random codes for random sensors. After 8 months of breakdowns costing $600 to over $800 each time, where each place release replaced arts citing the computer indicated they were bad, I irrevocably took a meter to the car & diagnosed it over a 4 hour period.After finding the damaged use connector I got to thinking...why not taste this silver oil. Water supply, after wisely applying it & packing it into each indidual mortal of the connector of the use, my intermittent connection & random code & breakdown conundrum went away.Apparently Chrysler sells a connector renovate kit ($400), save for with labor & the cost of the special tools it was over a $1,000 job, so this silver oil was a bargain for low voltage, low amperage DC applications.
- dsrok "dsrok"

MG Chemicals 8463-7G Carbon Conductive Grease, 7g Syringe, Silver

This silver grease provides antistatic conductivity and most thermal conductivity between sliding surfaces, while as long as protection from dampness and deterioration. Typical applications include lubrication of substation switches or circuit breakers, excitement dissipation from transformers, or static grounding on seals or O-rings. Exceptional moister resistance, chemical resistance, thermal conductivity, lubrication properties and protection from oxication.

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