Friday, January 3, 2014

Mark these fun holidays on your 2014 calendar

New Years Day is a holiday that most people celebrate. Schools are closed, and your mom and dad probably get to stay home from work. Wouldnt it be great if, in addition to the regular holidays, everyone could pick an unusual or silly holiday each year and have the day off to celebrate? Were not promising that your school or your parents bosses will go along with this idea, but heres a list of actual holidays that you might consider.


3 Festival of Sleep Day. If you return to school Thursday, sleeping all day Friday may not be an option.

13 Rubber Duck Day. Pull those old friends out from under the sink, and take a bath!

31 Backward Day, or should we say Yad Drawkcab?


5 National Weatherpersons Day. John Jeffries, born on this date in 1744, was one of Americas first weather observers. Build an anemometer.

14 Ferris Wheel Day. Engineer George Ferris was born February 14, 1859. He thrilled visitors to the 1893 worlds fair in Chicago with his 264-foot observation wheel. Head to an amusement park.

20 Love Your Pet Day. Take Fluffy for an extra-long walk.


3 National Anthem Day. The Star-Spangled Banner was written on September 14, 1814, but it didnt become the national anthem until March 3, 1931. How to celebrate the day? By singing, of course.

14 Learn About Butterflies Day. Head out into your yard or to a nearby park to observe these beautiful creatures.

26 Make Up Your Own Holiday Day. Your imagination is the only limit on what this day might be.


10 National Siblings Day. Brothers and sisters can be annoying, but deep down you know you love them. Go give your sibs a hug!

15 National Rubber Eraser Day. Chemist Joseph Priestly discovered on this date in 1770 that a type of rubber could erase pencil marks. Anyone who has made a mistake should be grateful.

22 Jelly Bean Day. You may have gotten a bunch of these in your Easter basket, but if not, heres an excuse to find your favorite flavor.


10 Clean Up Your Room Day. Bring a smile to Moms face.

14 Dance Like a Chicken Day. Why wait for the next family wedding to do this fun dance?

18 International Museum Day. Head to the Smithsonian or another local museum.


3 Repeat Day. Now read that again.

24 Swim a Lap Day. The waters warm, so dive in and try out your breaststroke!

30 Meteor Day. Look up into the night sky and search for streaks of light.


1 International Joke Day. Spread some humor. Even silly knock-knock jokes are allowed.

22 Hammock Day. Spend the day relaxing and gently swinging in the back yard.

24 Cousins Day. Be thankful today that they show up at family reunions. Otherwise, way too many adults!


6 Wiggle Your Toes Day. Put the shoes in the closet for the day!

13 Left-Handers Day. Celebrate southpaws, the 10 percent of people who favors their left hand.

27 Just Because Day. Whatever you choose to do today, theres no need to explain why.


8 Pardon Day. Have you been mean to your sister? Todays the day to ask for her forgiveness.

15 Make a Hat Day. Try using felt, cardboard or paper to craft a creative cap.

22 World Rhino Day. Spend the day learning about these endangered animals, which are often hunted for their horns.


8 Touch Tag Day. This game, which has been played for thousands of years, isnt just for recess.

14 National Dessert Day. If you need an excuse for an after-dinner treat ... .

21 Babbling Day. Feel free to say whats on your mind. If it makes no sense, all the better.


16 Button Day. Wear a smiley-face button or a bunch of buttons. You get the idea.

20 National Absurdity Day. You have an excuse to do something strange today!

28 Youre Welcome Day. It comes the day after Americans gather to say thanks.


4 Santas List Day. Santa reviews his naughty and nice lists, so spend the day being especially good.

10 Human Rights Day. The United Nations created this day in 1950 to remind people that everyone in the world is free and equal in dignity and rights. Something to ponder.

16 Chocolate-Covered Anything Day. Could there be a sweeter silly holiday to end the year?


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