Monday, March 3, 2014

Ukraine says Russia has set deadline for ships to surrender, but Moscow ...

Thousands of Russian troops have secured control over the disputed Crimean Peninsula without suffering any casualties or firing a shot.

A senior Obama administration official told reporters Sunday that Russia had taken "complete operational control of the Crimean peninsula, some 6,000-plus airborne and naval forces, with considerable materiel.

"There is no question," the official continued, "that they are in an occupation position in Crimea, that they are flying in reinforcements, and they are settling in."

On Monday, in Kiev, British Foreign Secretary William Hague called the current crisis in Ukraine "the biggest ... in Europe of the 21st century," and expressed concern that Russia might send troops further into Ukraine.

"Clearly we are very concerned about any possibly of a further move by Russia in other parts of Ukraine but that does not mean the position in the Crimea is stable,'' Hague told the BBC. "This is a very tense situation and dangerous situation that Russia's intervention has now produced.''

Also on Monday, pro-Russian troops took over a ferry terminal in the city of Kerch, on the easternmost tip of the peninsula, approximately 12 miles by boat from Russian territory. The men refused to identify themselves, but they spoke Russian and the vehicles transporting them had Russian license plates.

Troops that Ukraine says are Russian soldiers have occupied airports in Crimea, smashed equipment at an air base and besieged a Ukrainian infantry base in this peninsula.

Faced with the Russian threat, Ukraine's new government moved to consolidate its authority, naming new regional governors in the pro-Russia east, enlisting the support of the country's wealthy businessmen and dismissing the head of the country's navy after he declared allegiance to the pro-Russian government in Crimea.

Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk said there was no reason for Russia to invade Ukraine and warned that "we are on the brink of disaster."

"We believe that our Western partners and the entire global community will support the territorial integrity and unity of Ukraine," he said Sunday in Kiev.

Western leaders were left scrambling for possible ways to defuse the crisis as phone calls were exchanged and threats and protests were made.

The Group of Seven nations -- including the United States, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and Britain -- said Sunday night that they're suspending participation in the upcoming economic summit scheduled to be held in Sochi, the recent site of the Winter Olympics, in protest of Russia's actions.

"We call on Russia to address any ongoing security or human rights concerns that it has with Ukraine through direct negotiations, and/or via international observation or mediation under the auspices of the UN or the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe," the G-7 said in a statement released by the White House.

Earlier Sunday, President Obama spoke with British Prime Minister David Cameron, Polish President Bronislaw Komorowski and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, and the four leaders expressed their "grave concern" over "Russia's clear violation of Ukrainian sovereignty and territorial integrity," the White House said.

The leaders pledged to work together on a package of financial assistance to Ukraine, which is nearly bankrupt.

Outrage over Russia's military moves mounted in world capitals, with U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry calling on President Vladimir Putin to pull back from "an incredible act of aggression." Kerry also announced Sunday that he would go to Kiev Tuesday for diplomatic talks.

Following an emergency meeting of NATO in Brussels Sunday, the organization's Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen said at a press conference that Russia should pull back its forces and refrain from interfering elsewhere in Ukraine, according to Reuters. NATO is urging the two countries to seek a peaceful resolution through dialogue.

Ukraine is not a NATO member, which means the United States and Europe are not obligated to come to its defense. But Ukraine has taken part in some alliance military exercises and contributed troops to its response force.

In Kiev, Moscow and other cities, thousands of protesters took to the streets to either decry the Russian occupation or celebrate Crimea's return to its former ruler.

"Support us, America!" a group of protesters chanted outside the U.S. Embassy in Kiev. One young girl held up a placard reading: "No Russian aggression!"

"Russia! Russia!" the crowd chanted in Moscow.

So far, however, Ukraine's new government and the West have been powerless to counter Russia's tactics.

Putin has defied calls from the West to pull back his troops, insisting that Russia has a right to protect its interests and those of Russian-speakers in Crimea and elsewhere in Ukraine. His confidence is matched by the knowledge that Ukraine's 46 million people have divided loyalties. While much of western Ukraine wants closer ties with the 28-nation European Union, its eastern and southern regions like Crimea look to Russia for support.

Russia has long wanted to reclaim the lush Crimean Peninsula, part of its territory until 1954. Russia's Black Sea Fleet pays Ukraine millions annually to be stationed at the Crimean port of Sevastopol and nearly 60 percent of Crimea's residents identify themselves as Russian.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.


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